Competitiveness Advisors in Emerging and Frontier Markets


Emerging Markets Outlook

The Emerging Markets Outlook blog has been moved to Substack. Current and recent posts can be viewed at

older posts and archives can be accessed below

Emerging Markets Outlook Archives

I am not a tech wizard. When I migrated my website from WordPress to Squarespace, scores of blog posts did not make the transfer. I have all of them, going back more than 15 years, as Word files on my hard drive, but it would be a tedious affair to try to repost them now. There is a partial workaround available. I posted many of these articles on the Seeking Alpha website, where they are still accessible. If you have any interest, here are two links you can follow. You can also locate some of them on my LinkedIn page. I should add that many of the opinions expressed in these posts do not reflect my current thinking. In the words variously attributed to John Maynard Keynes, Winston Churchill, and Paul Samuelson, “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”

Seeking Alpha 1

Seeking Alpha 2

Charles Krakoff